Gallery Gachet
April 28th from 8-11pm
Music/Arts Exhibit
Art is done by Local Vanocuver Artists primarily the buttons.
Gallery Gachet is a non-profit organizations that displays and supports art by artists with disabilities.
The gallery is one of the best places o stop by to really feel a sense of Vancouver's open minded society.
I attended on behalf of BeyondRobson and PhotoDistrict



April is the first month since PhotoDistrict is running and im trying my best to keep the updates full of content and interesting. For some of you who have been following my Flick for years now, have seen some of these photos....and then for some of you it is your first time.

However, PhotoDistrict is not a site that i created to publish just MY photos but also the work of many other Vanocuverites along with others internationally, so don't be weirded out if one day I will contact you because i think your photos are not only great but also depict the spirit of Vanouver, and I would want to feature you on the blog.

On this note i encourage all of you to not only follow this blog and see what it has to offer but also to CONTACT ME either through the comments or personally at cinna0@hotmail.com to be featured on the site. The blog is yet fresh and new...but I think as it gets more viewers it will grow with not only an assortment of Vancouver photographers highlighting why Vanocuver is so full of artists and people who have a keen eye for beauty and life but also get recognized all over the world.

To tell you the truth, besides starting this blog to promote awereness and have an outlet for Vancouver photographers inclusing myself to get featured but also because i think the photography scene in Vanocuver is a tad unexposed when really it should be boiling with exposure. Even Flickr groups such as the one for BeyondRobson are going on a slow run right now. I'd like Vancouver to have more photo openings, conferences, seminars, galleries, workshops, etc etc etc. I am way to passionate about photography to let this go and hopefully you'll jump on the band wagon with me no matter if you a vancouverite or live half-way across the world.

He was nice enough to participate as my model for the day amongst moments of sillyness and a single handedly performed series of park bench the world has ever seen.


A collection of graffiti photos Ive collected rummaging around gastown, yaletown and random spots aroung granville. The most eye-ctaching of course being the Cold World Media artwork in the gastown alley by Block and VCC.


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